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REACH International Students

Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Each year, over 1 million international students attend our universities and colleges across the United States. God is bringing the nations to us – let us help you reach them!

What is World Changers?

International Students Inc.’s World Changers Conference is for believing, teachable students who have a heart for God. The conference will encourage and equip students to be disciples who make disciples.

Are you an international student or traveling scholar?

We can help you succeed as an international student.

ISI can help you thrive in the US by helping you find a community that will support you as you adjust to a different culture and academic environment.

Join Our Team

ISI team members impact the world one student at a time.

See how you can join our team of thousands of volunteers or become one of our official staff members around the world.

God's Story App

At ISI, we’re putting God’s story in the hands of truth-seekers. The God’s Story mobile app is accessible anywhere, anytime, by anyone. Explore God’s truth found in the God’s Story passages today by downloading the God’s Story app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.